2017 Evening of Reflection

Congratulations to all our new Sigma Pi Sigma members, graduating seniors and M.S. students! Here are some pictures from the evening of reflection.

All physics minors and majors, staff, and faculty are cordially invited to our annual Evening of Reflection on Saturday, April 22nd at Dr. Janet Seger's house, starting at 4 p.m.

We will share dinner, induct new members into Sigma Pi Sigma, announce department awards for teaching, research, scholarship, and service, and announce new SPS officers. Please join us!

RSVP by filling out the survey:

Saturday, April 22nd, 4 p.m.
3324 Fontenelle Blvd.

There is limited parking in the driveway (3-4 cars), so carpooling is recommended.  There is street parking on the back side of our block (on 47th Ave).  Also, Northstar (across the street from us) is generally pretty nice about letting people park in their lot as long as we do not completely fill the space.

Date of Event
Dr. Janet Seger's House

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