Physics Club Meeting


Hello all you physics enthusiasts!
 I would like to inform you of the date and time of our next Physics Club meeting NEXT TUESDAY!
 There are a few items of discussion that we will be looking at. 
  1. The departmental retreat: We need to plan a menu to be served at the retreat.  The undergrad and grad students split Friday breakfast and lunch.  We will also need to decide when and who will go shopping for this.  Also, Tim and Robbie please one of you come with info on the skit that will be shared after normal business is concluded and the faculty will have left.
  2. Physics Field Day: The officers have picked a theme that we think will work, so we will discuss this.  Also, we need to pick a date for Field Day as well as events that we want to put on.
  3. T-Shirts: Please bring any design ideas that you have to the meeting.  Following the meeting I will make an online survey so everyone can vote on which design we would like.
  4. Women in Physics Conference: Some of our lovely lady physicists will be attending a conference this weekend for undergraduate women in physics.  If some of those who attended would like to share about the experience and the things that they saw or partook in the rest of us would appreciate it.  (If you girls would rather not than don’t worry about it, I just thought it might be interesting to share).
 Please all come!




Date of Event
Physics Club Room
Contact info
Mark Pepin, Physics Club President

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