Physics Department Seminar 04-09-2010

Professor David W. McLaughlin, Professor of Mathematics and Neural Sciences, Provost at NYU, and a 1966 Creighton graduate who was one of the first to complete our Bachelor of Science in Physics degree, will be presenting the Physics Seminar this week on Friday, April 9th, at the usual time: 12:30 p.m.  Dr. McLaughlin will be here to receive this year's Alumni Merit Award from the College of Arts and Sciences. His talk is entitled

“Modeling the Dynamics of the Cortex: Spatio-Temporal Cortical Activity”

Dr.  McLaughlin has spent his career developing mathematical models of complex and chaotic systems, with applications from laser beams to the behavior of the visual cortex.

Professor McLaughlin's talk should be of wide interest to faculty and students in physics, math, biology, and the biomedical sciences.

Date of Event
HL G59
Contact info
Dr. Jack Gabel

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