A special Event
On Friday September 18: Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle will hold an interactive session with students to talk about his tenure as engineer and switch to politics.
Follow this link for his biography: http://www.co.douglas.ne.us/omaha/mayor/about-the-mayor. I would encourage you to attend as this would be an excellent opportunity to get to know the personal story of a leader in the Omaha community. Please plan on attending and bring at least someone else to attend this seminar.
The Annual physics lab safety training will be held on Tuesday August 25th.
Anyone who works in a lab (or teaches in a lab) is required to go through this training each year. If you cannot be present at this training session, you are required to make arrangements to complete the training on your own before you may work in a lab. (Those working in computer-only labs do not need to complete this training.) If you have any question about whether you need training please check with me and/or your research supervisor.
The 2009 Evening of Reflection will be on Sunday, April 26th at the home of Jack Gabel (Map). The program will begin at 4:00 pm and includes dinner. Some of the events of the evening will include:
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