Department Events

Annual Events

Evening of Reflection

 The evening of reflection is our chance to recognize graduating seniors and graduate students. All physics majors and graduate students are invited and encouraged to attend. In addition to snacks, refreshments and possibly pool, some of the events of the evening often include:

  • Reflections from graduating seniors and graduate students
  • Induction of new members into Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society
  • Announcement of new Society of Physics Students (aka physics club) officers
  • Departmental Awards Ceremony (College of Arts and Sciences Awards)
    • Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Physics
    • Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Physics
    • The Fr. Clarence M. Wagener, S.J.Outstanding Service Award

You can see photos from previous evening of reflection in the Gallery.


Physics Field Day

Each year, typically in the spring, the Creighton University Society of Physics Students (CUSPS) sponsors Physics Field Day, a day of activities and excitement for high school students. The day is filled with competitions that require understanding and application of basic physical principles. We in the CUSPS believe that physics can be enjoyed in a hands-on, competitive spirit. There is an event for everyone! The diversity of Physics Field Day events hopefully encourages many students to participate in a challenging event of their choice. Each year there is a different theme that usually sets the subject of the chalk talk competition. 

See the Hall of Fame for previous programs and winning teams


Physics Department Retreat

At the beginning of the spring semester, Physics Students, Faculty and Staff leave town for a two-day retreat.  We typically leave CU Thursday afternoon and cancel classes on the following Friday. The treat has been held at the Creighton Retreat Center, in Griswald IA, or at the Benedictine retreat center in Schuyler Ne. The theme of the retreat is decided each year by the students, with the help of Dr. Cherney and Fr. Gillick.  Faculty cook dinner for everyone on Thursday night and the students usually put on horribly embarrassing skits that roast the faculty. The formal program begins the next morning.  There is usually an invited speaker or two, and plenty of small group discussion time.  At the end of the day, we drive back to Creighton and eat dinner (catered) on campus.

You can see some of the photos in the Gallery, and some of the videos in the Scrapbook.

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