Physics Seminar October 16, 2009

Research Opportunities in Polymer Science and Technology: Computer Hardware

Dr. Augustus Ouano


It’s hard to overstate the importance of Polymers in the 21st century economy; in fact life would be very difficult, indeed impossible, without it. 50 years ago, advance technology was more an art than science. Now, technology cannot advance without using the tools that Chemistry and Physics offers. For example, a good understanding of the dissolution kinetics of polymers (Polymer Chain Dynamics) is crucial to micro and nano silicon technology (VLSIC). Hard disk drive capacity would have been limited to MBs rather than TBs without understanding the Physics of wear (Tribology). These areas offer many opportunities for Chemists and Physicists to do interesting and good research.

Date of Event
Hixson Lied G59
Contact info
Dr. Patricia Soto

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