Computing Resources

Creighton University has site licenses for Matlab and LabVIEW, which are maintained by the Department of Physics.  Use the following links to learn more.

How to Get Labview » LabVIEW Tutorials

LabVIEW is currently installed in the following locations:

Teaching Laboratories

  • LabVIEW is available on General Physics, Modern Lab, Optics Lab, Electronics Lab, and Advanced Lab Computers.

Research Laboratories

  • LabVIEW is also at use in many of the research laboratories. Contact site administrator, Mike Nichols for license availability and access. 

LabVIEW Tutorials

Here are  a few links to get you started with the LabVIEW programming environment.

In addition, an excellent text used in some upper division lab courses is Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW for Scientists and Engineers 2nd Edition by John Essick, Oxford University Press (ISBN 978-0199925155).

3D CAD Software

A great choice for makers is Tinkercad, which runs in any web browser or the more powerful Fusion 360. Build something and have it 3D printed in the Maker Space at Reinert Alumni Library!

Printer Circuit Board (PCB) CAD

The SPS Clubroom computers also have Eagle (now part of Fusion 360) for PCB schematic design and layout. Check out these tutorials from Tangent to get started, and then get it printed cheaply and quickly with OSH Park!

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