Energy Technology Program Faculty and Staff
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Content posted by or for faculty and staff
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Gintaras Duda has been named the CASE publication US Professor of the Year for 2013.
Janet Seger, Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences at Creighton University was recently awarded the 2011 American Physics Society Award for Faculty Working with Undergraduate Researchers. This award is given annually to a physicist whose research in an undergraduate setting has achieved wide recognition and contributed significantly to physics and who has contributed substantially to the professional development of undergraduate physics students.
This Friday at 12:30 pm (HL-G59) we have an extremely interesting seminar: Each faculty will deliver a 5-minute presentation on her/his research.
Please plan on attending as you will have the chance to learn about what each faculty does for research!
Northwest detector site. |
Northeast detector site. |
John Niemoth and the students at Waterloo High School have participated in the CROP program from its beginning in 2000. Waterloo High School is now part of the West Douglas County Schools.
The West Douglas County Schools array is housed on the roof of the former Waterloo High school. Nikki Baker graduated in June of 2005. John brought a new team for 2005-2006 to the 2005 CROP workshop.
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