Haunted Lab 2002

Thanks to all who helped to make the Haunted Lab a success this year. Mike Swanger spent several hours with me during the Fall Break rearranging the tables in L18 and bringing in extra tables, cabinets, etc. Rebecca Redding was the axe-wielder (guardian of the "Dept. Head") during the visit by 5th & 6th graders from North Omaha's Sacred Heart School on Oct 28, and then again for 3 hours on Oct. 30. A special thanks to Jo Conrad who excelled as the Dept. Head NON-STOP FOR THREE HOURS on Oct. 30 as well as for part of the time on Oct. 28, and to Dr. Seger who worked her magic as Dept. Head with the Sacred Heart children during their visit on Oct. 28. Thanks also to the Teaching Fellows for putting up with having their lab sessions displaced from L18 for two weeks. Judging by the number of Guide Sheets that were picked up, there were well over 200 visitors this year.

Thanks again! -Tom Zepf

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