Solar Eclipse Talk

solar eclipseThe first total solar eclipse viewable across the contiguous United States in nearly a century will fall across a wide swath of Nebraska next month.

To mark the occasion of the Aug. 21 celestial event, Creighton University physics professor Jack Gabel, PhD, will give a presentation about what’s being called the Great American Solar Eclipse. The lecture will take place Aug. 7 at 5:30 p.m. in the Rigge Science Building Lecture Hall, Room 120.

Gabel will talk about what to expect with the eclipse, why total solar eclipses are so rare and spectacular to see, good places in the region to view the eclipse in its totality and what the view will be like in and around Omaha. Safe viewing and photography tips will also be discussed and the Department of Physics will also hand out special glasses for viewing the eclipse, while supplies last. 

This event is free and open to the public.

Here is a link to the slides from Dr. Gabel's lecture.

Date of Event
Rigge Science Building Room 120
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