Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Physics Opening

The department of Physics at Creighton University invites applications for a full-time, tenure track Assistant Professor. Candidates specializing in experimental biophysics, medical physics, or closely related field are preferred. Qualified applicants from other specialties will also be considered. We seek individuals with effective communication skills who are committed to being outstanding teacher-scholars within a primarily undergraduate-serving college. The successful applicant will teach a variety of courses within a 3-3 course load that includes 1st year core courses in General Physics as well as upper division and graduate level courses in their area of expertise, depending on departmental needs.  The Physics Department offers both Bachelors and Masters degrees and the successful applicant will involve both undergraduate and graduate students in externally-funded on-site laboratory research.

Application Instructions

Candidates should submit their application through Interfolio. The link is apply.interfolio.com/156198

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