Minor in Physics
The physics minor offers students the opportunity to obtain a thorough introduction to the theoretical and experimental methods extensively used by physical scientists and engineers. In addition to exploring the historical and philosophical development of physics from the Greeks to the modern era, the physics minor emphasizes the development of practical quantitative problem solving skills which are valuable for all students regardless of major.
Minor in Biological Physics
The Biological Physics minor provides an opportunity to apply the concepts and methods of the physicist to advance our understanding of the life sciences. Students pursuing careers in medicine or the life sciences can use this minor to improve their preparation for the interdisciplinary nature of modern science.
Declaring a Minor
A student may not declare a minor until he or she has been accepted into a Major. Please visit the minor declaration form to declare a minor. Note that eighteen credits of coursework are required to complete a minor. Students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in courses toward the minor.