Admission Requirements and Application Information

In general, properly-prepared students will have undergraduate preparation in physics and related support courses comparable to the present minimum Physics degree requirements at Creighton University. This must include upper-division course work covering each of the following areas: mechanics, electromagnetics, and modern physics. Additional work in physics to bring the total to twenty-four semester hours, plus the associated support from mathematics, is necessary. In addition, the general graduate school application requirements (including copies of official transcripts of all undergraduate work, three letters of reference, a personal statement, general aptitude GRE results, and TOEFL results (for international students; a minimum of 90 on the iBT with scores of 20 in each category is required) must be submitted as part of the application

Follow these links to learn more about the programs and access the online application forms: M.S. Physics program, M.S. Medical Physics Program

We review applications as soon as we receive them and offer teaching and research fellowships as they become available. To be considered for a fellowship, applications should be submitted no later than February (Fall admission), or July (Spring Admission).

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