M.S. Medical Physics

Creighton University offers a CAMPEP Accredited M.S. in Medical Physics.

The M.S. Medical Physics program provides training for individuals interested in pursuing a career in Medical Physics. The 43 hour master’s program provides didactic training in the fundamentals of medical and health physics, radiation biophysics, radiological physics, radiation dosimetry and protection, nuclear physics and instrumentation, nuclear medicine, medical imaging, as well as research and clinical experience (clinical rotations in local hospitals) to provide the experience needed by practicing medical physicists.

Completion of the M.S. Medical Physics program will prepare candidates for:

  • Part 1 of the American Board of Radiology exam
  • participation in a clinical residency program
  • Ph.D. programs in Medical Physics
  • a career as a Medical Physics in a clinical or related industry

Statistics on our program are available at the link below.

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