News Item

Physics Department News

Team Wins DoE Solar District Cup!

65 teams from 64 institutions competed this year in the Solar District Cup, sponsored by the Department of Energy. Over the weekend (April 23-24, 2022) 28 of those teams were selected as finalists. I am proud to say that not only did our Creighton team receive first place for our massive solar+battery proposal for Cheyney University, we additionally received first place for the best solar pitch of any team (i.e., overall winner).

A special hearty congratulations to students on the team lead by Dr. Andrew Baruth:

  • Max Markuson DiPrince – Project Manager
  • Alex Webert – Lead System Design
  • Ashley (Nellie) Nelson – Financial Analyst
  • Emma Goldsmith – Environmental Analyst

They were truly the “dream team,” which showed what a Creighton student is truly capable of!

Solar District Cup Team

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Creighton Participates in EQUATE Collaboration

EQUATE logo Creighton faculty are members of the newly established EQUATE collaboration. This new Nebraska research group is focused on Emergent QUantum materials and TEchnologies and is a $20 million NSF funded program. Dr. Wong and Dr. Wrubel from the Creighton University Department of Physics participate in this program along with 18 other senior investigators from across Nebraska across four universities.


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Medical Physics AAPM competition winners

Graduates of our Medical Physics masters degree program won several prizes at the spring meeting of the Missouri River Valley chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

Michael Merrick (MS class of 2019) won first place in the Young Investigator Symposium and Jeffrey Wong (MS class of 2020) won third place.

In the Medical Physics Slam competition, Jeffrey Wong took home 1st place and Ellie Bacon (MS class of 2022) won second place.

Congratulations to our amazing graduates and students!

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New B.S. in Physics and Engineering 3-2 Program

We have recently begun an exciting B.S. in Physics and Engineering 3-2 Program with Washington University in St. Louis. Three years at Creighton University provides the liberal arts and physics background for a lifetime of making a difference and solving problems. Follow this up with two years at Washing University in St. Louis and you earn two undergraduate degrees: a B.S. in Physics from Creighton and a B.S. in Engineering from Washington University. Details can be found here!

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2018 Physnic

Our annual Department of Physics picnic (Physnic) will take place during Alumni weekend on Saturday September 15th at Elmwood Park Pad, #2, starting at noon.

Mark your calendars! All students, staff, and faculty are invited! We'll grill food and have a fun afternoon together!


Elmwood Park, Pad #2
Date of Event

Second EnergiPlant up and Running

Dr. Andrew Baruth (associate professor in the Department of Physics) and his ERG 131 class were featured in an article for The University Network, describing the installation of the second EnergiPlant at Creighton University. The EnergiPlants generate power via both photovoltaic "leaves" and a wind turbine "flower". The energy is stored in batteries within the EnergiPlant, and students may charge their devices from via USB ports.

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Dr Ekpenyong invited to co-chair session on Mechanosensation

Andrew Ekpenyong, PhD, Department of Physics, has been selected to co-chair the session Mechanosensation at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb 11-15, 2017.  The meeting brings together about 7000 attendees from all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences.

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2016 Haunted Lab



From ghosts that appear when you wave a wand to a magic flying bat—there are plenty of reasons for every one of all ages to attend this free event!

When: October 27 - 29, 5 pm - 8:30 pm

Where: Creighton University, Rigge Science Building, G16

Fun for all ages!

Rigge Science Building G16
Date of Event
Contact info
Jacob Shearer <>

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