2018 Physics Retreat
Who: We invite all undergraduate & graduate students, faculty and staff of the physics department and the energy technology program to join in our annual retreat! Physics & E-Tech majors, minors or anyone interested in studying physics is welcome to come!
When: Leave campus at 5 pm on Thursday, February 15thwith dinner upon arrival.
Arrive back at 4:30 pm Friday, February 16thwith dinner to follow on campus
Where: The Holling House at the Carol Joy Holling Center
27416 Ranch Road
Ashland, NE 68003
Why: To build community, relax, enjoy each other’s company and focus on this year’s topics of immigration and community engagement
To offset the cost of the retreat center and food, we ask attendees pay the following:
Faculty & Staff: $40
Graduate Students: $20
Undergraduate Students: $10
Please see Jolene Buckingham in Hixson-Lied G82 to sign-up!
We will be organizing rides to and from campus. Please look for the sign up on the physics club room door (HLSB G55)!
Questions? Email Catie Ward at caitlynward@creighton.edu