Student Content

Student Contributions

CU Physics Graduate student is one of 11 selected for summer research in Italy

Physics graduate student Barak Gruberg was one of 11 students selected for an exchange program high energy nuclear physics research in Italy this summer. He will be working in Turin. This opportunity is jointly funded by the US Department of Energy and the Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (INFN).

Field Day 2014

This spring, the Creighton University Society of Physics Students (CUSPS) will  sponsor Physics Field Day, a day of activities and excitement for high school students. The theme of the 2013 Physics Field Day is "The Physics of Everyday Objects." The day is filled with competitions that require understanding and application of basic physical principles. We in the CUSPS believe that physics can be enjoyed in a hands-on, competitive spirit. There is an event for everyone!

Hixson Lied Science Building
Date of Event
Contact info
Nathan Horst (

Physnic 2013

The PHYSNIC onSATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21st @ NOON! As the name suggests, this event is a physics picnic, where the entire physics department including faculty go to ELMWOOD PARK (66th and Elmwood Park RD.) eat food, socialize and play games!

If you need a ride to the physnic, or if you are willing to drive other students that do, there is a sign up sheet on the door of HLSB G55. 

Elmwood Park
Date of Event
Contact info
Nathan Horst (President CUSPS)

Matt Armbruster gets scholarship to attend the 2013 Open Science Grid User School and XSEDE13 Conference

Matt Armbruster, graduate student and senior member of the Computational Molecular Biophysics research group, was awarded a very competitive full scholarship to attend the 2013 Open Science Grid User School and XSEDE13 Conference. Fabulous opportunity to get trained into the forefront of high performance computing techniques and technologies. Great, Matt!

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