B.S. Major in Applied Physics and Pre-Engineering

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Major in Applied Physics and Pre-Engineering: 36 Credits


The Bachelor of Science program in Applied Physical Analysis is an interdisciplinary course of study designed to prepare students for a career involving the quantitative analysis of data. The program includes programs in physics, mathematics and computer science. It is intended to provide the background required for graduate study in engineering. Special opportunities for hands-on experience in solar energy technology are available.
Program Goals Learning Objectives

1.  Students will gain an understanding of the physical world

1A.  Students will demonstrate an improved understanding of the fundamental concepts in each of the major areas of physics.

2. Students will gain an understanding of the application of statistical analysis to physical measurements. 

2A.  Students will articulate ways in which statistics are applied to the analysis of physical measurements.

3.  Students develop the ability to effectively present the results of quantitative studies 3A.  Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively present the results of quantitative studies.
4.  Students can succeed in professional careers and programs in applied quantitative analysis. 4A.  Students will be well prepared for graduate study.


Course Requirements

Four credits from the following:

PHY 211 General Physics I 4 hours
PHY 221 Modeling the Physical World I 3 hours
PHY 223 Physics Project Laboratory I 1 hour


Four credits from the following:

PHY 212 General Physics II 4 hours
PHY 222 Modeling the Physical World II 3 hours
PHY 224 Physics Project Laboratory II

1 hour


All of the following:

PHY 471 Classical Mechanics 3 hours
PHY 591 Seminar in Engineering 1 hour
MTH 545 Differential Equations 3 hours
MTH 561 Mathematical Statistics I 3 hours
MTH 562 Mathematical Statistics II 3 hours


Three credits from the following:

CSC 221 Introduction to Computer Programming 3 hours
PHY 553 Computational Physics 3 hours


Three credits from the following:

ERG 481 Senior Project in Energy Studies I 3 hours
PHY 497 Directed Independent Research 3 hours


Nine credits from the following:

CSC 222 Object-Oriented Programming 3 hours
CSC 321 Data Structures 3 hours
CSC 414 Computer Organization 3 hours
CSC 421 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3 hours
CSC 533 Programming Languages 3 hours
CSC 548 Software Engineering 3 hours
CSC 590 Special Topics 3 hours
ERG 211 Design and Rapid Prototyping I 1 hour
ERG 212 Design and Rapid Prototyping II 1 hour
ERG 241 Introduction to Energy Transfer 3 hours
ERG 251 History and Technology of the Western World 2 hours
ERG 311 Design and Rapid Prototyping III 1 hour
ERG 312 Design and Rapid Prototyping IV 1 hour
MTH 529 Linear Algebra 3 hours
MTH 543 Numerical Analysis 3 hours
MTH 546 Partial Differential Equations 3 hours
MTH 551 Differential Geometry 3 hours
MTH 555 Chaotic Dynamical Systems 3 hours
MTH 563 Mathematical Statistics III 3 hours
MTH 571 Operations Research 3 hours
MTH 572 Fuzzy Logic 3 hours
MTH 573 Probabilistic Models 3 hours
MTH 575 Introductory Stochastic Processes 3 hours
PHY 301 Modern Physics 3 hours
PHY 303 Electronics Laboratory 1 hour
PHY 331 Physical Optics 3 hours
PHY 332 Optics Laboratory 1 hour
PHY 481 Electricity and Magnetism 3 hours
PHY 491 Physics Seminar 1 hour
PHY 521 Electronics for Scientists 3 hours
PHY 522 Electric Circuits 3 hours
PHY 531 Quantum Mechanics 3 hours
PHY 541 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 3 hours
PHY 551 Mathematical Physics 3 hours
PHY 553 Computational Physics 3 hours
PHY 561 Nuclear Physics 3 hours
PHY 562 Nuclear Instruments and Methods 2 hours
PHY 571 Solid State Physics 3 hours
PHY 572 Solid State Laboratory 3 hours
PHY 587 Laser Physics 3 hours

Requisite Courses:  MTH 245, 246, 347

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