
$num fields in line $row:

\n"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { // echo $data[$c] . "
\n"; } $MONTH=$data[0]; $DAY=$data[1]; $YEAR=$data[2]; $REG_TM=$data[3]; $START_TM=$data[4]; $END_TM=$data[5]; $FSTNM=$data[6]; $LSTNM=$data[7]; $EMAIL=$data[8]; } fclose($handle); /* echo "Month = $MONTH
"; echo "Day = $DAY
"; echo "Year = $YEAR
"; echo "Registration time = $REG_TM
"; echo "Start time = $START_TM
"; echo "End time = $END_TM
"; echo "First name = $FSTNM
"; echo "Last name = $LSTNM
"; echo "E-mail = $EMAIL
"; */ } ?>
Each year, Creighton University hosts a Nuclear Science Merit Badge Workshop. Space is limited. This workshop will be hosted again by Creighton University in .
The Nuclear Science Merit Badge Workshop will be held on Saturday, , at the Physics Department at Creighton University. Scouts can fulfill the badge requirement s through this workshop. This workshop is free of charge. (This workshop is supported by the Creighton's Physics Department, the Contemporary Physics Education Project and the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science.) Requirements 1, 2, 3a, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5c, 6a, 7 and 8 will be covered. 
Check-in for scouts will be located in front of room G59 in the Hixson-Lied building and will start at AM,  . A Creighton University Campus map can be found here.  Parking is available in the student lot located on the north side of Burt Street, across from the Hixson-Lied Building. A lunch will be provided.
 If you are interested, please contact "> .