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Physnic 2009

     [fiz-nik] -noun
     1. an annual Physics Department excursion involving Panera Bread
     2. Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:30pm
38th & Lafayette Ave
Date of Event
Contact info
Anya Burkart, Physics Club President

Field Day Champions

This year we had a great turn out with 15 teams fielded from Gross Catholic, Papillion, Abraham Lincoln, Mount Michael, St. Albert, Central Academy and Burke High School.  Teams competed in seven events: Death Star Laser Aiming, Boat Building, Chalk Talk (Space physics portrayed in film), Quiz Bowl, Circuit Building, and Toothpick Bridge Building (The complete program can be found here.


Cooperation with West Douglas County Schools

John Niemoth and the students at Waterloo High School have participated in the CROP program from its beginning in 2000. Waterloo High School is now part of the West Douglas County Schools.

The West Douglas County Schools array is housed on the roof of the former Waterloo High school. Nikki Baker graduated in June of 2005. John brought a new team for 2005-2006 to the 2005 CROP workshop.


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